WOD: 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:
115/75 pound Power snatch
Wallball shots, 20/14 pound ball
Knees to elbows
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CrossFit Level 1 Seminars: CrossFit Central London, CrossFit Brisbane,CrossFit Reston, Alamo CrossFit.
In teams of two complete three rounds for time of:
40 Overhead squats, 125#/85#
50 Pull-ups
60 Box jumps
70 Double unders
400m Run
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MWOD: Collect 10 min focusing on your goat(s).
WOD: For Time:
500ft Overhead walking lunge, 45#/25#
50 Dumbell push press, 35#/20#
30 Toes to bar
100 Double unders
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I got this from CrossFit Dublin, and it's got some really great points. CrossFit is not just a workout to a lot of us, it's a way of life. CrossFit requires a lot of mental toughness; in order to get better you have to identify and work on your weaknesses rather then avoid them. You have to leave your ego at the door, listen to your coaches and strive to get better each day. If you always find yourself skipping heavy days, 5k Run days, or Olympic Lifting and you only enjoy the longer met-cons that leave you laying on the floor... you are missing the point of CrossFit. A huge part of CrossFit is VARIANCE. If you skip heavy days you are missing an entire metabolic pathway and a large part of the results that come with the program.
To the untrained eye our workouts look random and unplanned, but I'm here to tell you there is nothing random about what we do at CFBT. These workouts are programmed weeks in advance with a long term goal in mind. We hit various elements, movements, time domains, priority workouts, couplets, triplets, chippers, single modality while also varying the implements. We go short, we go long, we go heavy, we go light and we go everywhere in between. If you routinely find yourself not wanting to come unless it's a "long cardio" style workout, force yourself to come in on a heavy day. Train your weaknesses if you have extra time in your warm-up or cool-down; and never underestimate the power of good technique.
MWOD: Kettlebell Swing: Overhead position
Contract/relax over foam roller or lacrosse balls, 2 min
Overhead arm distraction with band, 2 min per side
Lacrosse ball to scapula, externally rotate, 1 min per side
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Power Clean, 155#/105#
Chest to Bar Pull-up
Dumbell Swing, 55#/35#
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Guess who's doing pull-ups off a temple archway in Cambodia?
MWOD: Unglue your sticks
Pancake roll the calf, 2 min per leg
Roll lacrosse ball on calf while mobilizing ankle, 2 min per side
Lacrosse ball to hip area, 1 min per side
WOD: Four rounds for time of:
400m Run
25 Wall ball shots, 20#/14#
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Thanks for your patience during the flood. Huge thanks to Eric and Stephen for spending the weekend cleaning up so we all have a place to WOD again.
CrossFit Level 1 Seminars: CrossFit Santa Clara, CrossFit Vancouver,CrossFit Atlanta,.
CrossFit Coaches Prep Course: CrossFit Colosseum.
Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:
5 Thrusters, 95#/65#
7 Hang power cleans, 95#/65#
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#
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Happy Thanksgiving! Remember gym is closed tomorrow (Thursday).
WOD: Seven rounds for time of:
5 Handstand push-ups
185/135# pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders
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CrossFit Level 1 Seminars: CrossFit Northern Ireland, Atlas CrossFit,CrossFit FX TX, CrossFit Park City, Kansas City Regional Training Academy.
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